Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tracting, Preaching,Teaching, Being Sick.

Alyse is loving her mission.  She has done a lot of tracting and met some very interesting people.  She will have some funny stories to tell when she gets home of all the interesting people she is meeting.  She has had the opportunity of preaching the gospel to some of them.  She has also had many opportunities to teach.  She and her companion (who she really likes and says she is a great trainer and that they work very well together and get a long really well also) have 10 people in there teaching poole right now.  Some of them are not members of the church, some are married to members but not members themselves, and some are members but not active.  She has enjoyed meeting these people and teaching them.  She and her companion have invited them to be baptised or to become active again.  Since Alyse has been there two of them have committed to being baptised.  She is so excited about it and proud of them for keeping all the commitments they have made so far.  This past Sunday all but two of the people they are teaching were at church and that made her very happy!  Alyse has also been really sick for the past week and was put on bed rest.  So for Thanksgiving she had to stay home.  The people who had invited them to dinner brought dinner to them though and visited with them for a while.  Alyse thought that was very kind of them and she really appreciated it.  This week she is allowed to keep the appointments they have to teach but she is still not allowed to tract.  She sees the Dr. again on Thur. of this week and will hopefully be given a clean bill of health.  She is in the high desert area of her mission so even though it is California it is very cold.  Alyse's testimony is growing all the time.  In every letter or email she always bears a sweet strong testimony of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior Jesus Christ, as well as of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon.  She also expresses gratitude for everything.  She says the mission is sometimes really hard but she still loves it and is grateful for the opportunity to serve.   


  1. Bed rest!? Hope she feels better! Sounds like a tough time.

  2. I remembered Alyse telling me about this website. I'm thankful that you are keep us informed on Alyse's adventures. Looking forward to hearing more about the great things that Alyse is doing!

    Get well soon Alyse!
